Impromptu Pizza Party

Oh it's a Tuesday alright! On her way back home from work, my wife called me to inform me that our son Neel demanded Pizza for dinner! I thanked my son for reading my mind and told him I'm on my way for a pizza party.

We made two pies—margherita and mushroom, onion and olive, with store bought dough. BTW our local pizzeria down the street is pretty friggin awesome! One of the people we know is also my Instagram buds and is always liking my food photos! Gotta love that!

Anyway, it was a great end to a pre-hump day, and I loved making pizza with da fam! I've got some photos for you, which I hope you enjoy!

Hope you had a great evening too. I'm off to snuggle with the wifey!

Good night and Nomaste.

the two pies

the two pies

Mushroom and Onion pie

Mushroom and Onion pie

The carnage and damage.

The carnage and damage.